Nootropic Stack I: Focus

Doubling Down

Welcome to The Supplement: where you receive 1 health stack a week that’s minimum effort for maximum results.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be diving into nootropics, the so-called ‘smart supplements’ that enhance focus, memory and cognitive performance.

There are two camps it seems when it comes to nootropics. Camp number one focuses on the more natural and herbal supplementation while camp two is more drug-focused, using substances like modafinil - which does have strong scientific literature to back its use as a nootropic.

These stacks will contain camp one suggestions for now.

To help you narrow down on what to add to your nootropic stack (or take away), we’re going to categorise our nootropics stacks into 3 stand-alone stacks; focus, memory and motivation.

Today’s nootropic stack is focusing on focus.

The Stack

  1. Caffeine, from a study point of view, is the most effective nootropic when it comes to focus. It works as a stimulant that increases alertness and focus. Depending on what your coffee rituals are, you can experience the effects of caffeine from between 50-300mg. A single shot of espresso is on average 63mg while a double shot is around 126mg.

  2. Tied in at the same effectiveness as caffeine, from a focus point of view, is l-theanine the compound found in green tea. L-theanine is well-researched and shown to improve cognitive performance, particularly in tasks requiring attention, particularly in combination with caffeine. L-theanine can also reduce the jitteriness and anxiety that caffeine alone can cause. A cup of green tea provides around 10mg of l-theanine so to feel the impact you may need to supplement.

  3. Lastly is l-tyrosine, an amino acid. I chose this as when it comes to needing focus, particularly in intense situations (when you have a deadline or need to complete a challenging piece of work), l-tyrosine is particularly effective under conditions of stress or fatigue, as it helps replenish depleted neurotransmitter levels.

  4. A bonus focus nootropic is Alpha-GPC (as when it comes down to individuality, these supplements can differ in effect, so it’s always good to have an extra option just in case the above don’t have the desired outcome). A cholinergic compound that delivers choline to the brain, supporting acetylcholine production (the neurotransmitter involved in memory and attention). Alpha-GPC enhances cognitive function, including focus, memory, and learning.

Dosage Tip
Omega 3: DHA + EPA: 1-3g daily

If you have any particular health stack in mind that you would like to know about, REPLY to this email and let us know.

Also, if these stacks are hitting the spot, please let us know. If they are not, please also let us know!

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